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User talk:KageMonkey

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In regards to the Naruto page on Wikipedia, I hope the contributors will refrain from using poor translations as subject headings. Some people might view the inaccurate names as the proper Japanese-to-English translation, or that the kanji shown in the following text corresponds to the non-literal translation. Let's try to inform people properly by using Japanese names written in romaji followed by a literally translation. If there are other translated sources, specifically state where those translations come from. (XXX)

Kagemonkey, don't change things naming conventions around with posting stuff on the talk page, please. WhisperToMe 07:57, 2 Apr 2005 (UTC)


 + WhisperToMe: The Viz translation provided for the Naruto page is not the literal Japanese translation. To inform the users of the encyclopedia using the improper Viz translation is to provide inaccurate information. It is widely accepted by Naruto fans that the Japanese names should be used while other translations be in brackets, separating non-literal translation from the proper name. Please refrain from using inaccurate translations. 


NONE of them are. Translators always mess with little details so their works will make sense with English-speaking audiences. It is 100% leading to include details of the English version in stores. Does this "diminish their value"? Absolutely not.

And ferchrissakes, Naruto's going on TV in the summer. These English names will only surge in popularity.

"improper Viz translation is to provide inaccurate information."

This "improper" version is what most casual readers from English-speaking countries would be reading. The Naruto manga is selling pretty well, so more or less the commercial translation should always be used. Now, you can include another translation WITH the Viz one if you feel that the Viz version is saying something completely different. But no, it is senseless to remove the commercial translation.

Besides, Viz is now using both Japanese and English names in their translations. WhisperToMe 00:42, 12 Apr 2005 (UTC)

By translators, I mean the companies that make the translated book versions.

It doesn't matter if the fans are doing a better job. Guess which version is sponsored by Shueisha? Guess which version is all over U.S. bookstores and is being imported to the UK and Australia?

"Naruto fans wishes the official Japanese to be used on Wikipedia. The English translation that you provide is only one of the many English translations out there, so to use the version you feel correct is misleading. In addition, having any Japanese text along side the inaccurate English translation only serve to mislead people into thinking those are literal translations. It is simply misleading to people who are trying to learn. As I have suggested, it is best to provide the official Japanese text, along with its Kanji, and then in the paragraph -- not in the title -- provide various translations. Encyclopedia is a compendium of facts, not as an advertisement to a specific product you wish to promote."

THIS is an English encyclopedia. In Pokemon, Wikipedia uses the English names. The "English translations" you speak of are not official in any way. Now, one can take the original Japanese text and provide a literal translation with the text along with the English version quotes. You cannot disregard the Viz English version (and again, the Japanese are making it). If this was an advertisement, it would be like "HEY EVERYBODY!!!! BUY NARUTO MANGAS FOR $10 AT THE LATEST STORES LOL!!!!111111" - Rather, what I am doing is catering this encyclopedia to English-speaking audiences. WhisperToMe 22:30, 12 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Now, I have an idea on how to settle this: For each quote:

  • (Japanese text) (translation of Japanese text)
  • (Viz quote, marked as such)

That way, both versions are represented. WhisperToMe 23:04, 12 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Do not take out the Viz spellings at all! They should at least have a mention. You have not consulted anyone (including me) in the talk page. This your final warning. WhisperToMe 00:26, 13 Apr 2005 (UTC)

"Agreed, as I have suggested previously. The title should contain the Japanese romaji, followed by kanji. Then literal translation should be provided, along with various English translations in brackets. I took out the Viz translation previously because there are many people who are misinformed. They think the literal Japanese translation is the improper English manga translation, leading them to think the Japanese word "Bunshin" means "Doppelganger". I believe that the various English translations should be included, if users decide to add it, along with where it originated from."

There's more than one edition of Naruto out there. The "English text" pertains to the English version sold in bookstores, but it obviously does not apply to the "Japanese text". Saying that the English version is not "true" is POV, and Wikipedia strives to be NPOV.

Also, the literal translation is stated next to the Japanese.

Art of the Doppelganger (Bunshin-no-Jutsu, 分身の術, literally "Clone Technique")

As for Doppelganger: "dop·pel·gäng·er or dop·pel·gang·er ( P ) Pronunciation Key (dpl-gngr, -gng-) n. A ghostly double of a living person, especially one that haunts its fleshly counterpart." (Dictionary.com)

Viz has a habit of using unusual English words for unsual Japanese words.

The way to correct this is NOT to take out the Viz names, but to instead show that the Viz names are not always translations of the Japanese names. (E.G. ""Evil Eye", which is used along with "Byakugan" in the English Viz version, is not a literal translation - "White Eye" is what Byakugan means in Japanese.")

WhisperToMe 00:39, 13 Apr 2005 (UTC)

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